Past Events List

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Orto For Life Masterclass (Cluj- Napoca, 2022)

Orto For Life Masterclass (Cluj- Napoca, 2022)

OrtoLife PLANNING - clinic și practic in office Speakeri: Dr.Johnny Barbur, Ciprian Boca, Dr. Alexandra Aghiorghiesei, TD. Adrian RomanPerspectiva evoluției„Saper Vedere” (Leonardo Da Vinci) Achiziția datelor relevante în ortodonție (anamneza, examenul...

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Clinical Masterclass in Skeletal Anchorage

Clinical Masterclass in Skeletal Anchorage

In September 2018 we had the amazing chance to hold the Skeletal Anchorage Master Class, driven by true performers in their area of expertise. It was an academic, practical and clinical teaching for our participants who had the unique opportunity to see live, in...

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